Spa Day Fail.

About a month ago I was feeling particularly overwhelmed. I had a lot of things going on in my personal life and I just wanted an escape. Coming from the beauty world I am quite familiar with many of the treatments available. In particular I love a good massage. Not just any massage but deep tissue. My body is always so tight.

I decided I wanted to make a day of it and try out something new. I had wanted to try float therapy also known as a sensory deprivation tank. They are supposed to be relaxing and calm. So I found a place with rave reviews and I added on a 30 minute infrared sauna session. This was designed to relax your body and prep you for a successful float session.

So I started with the sauna. I love the heat so I was overjoyed. They provided me with a robe and slippers for comfort which was a really nice touch. Oh and water. You definitely need water. Next up was the float. The owner walked me through everything. She was very nice and knowledgeable. I kept telling myself I could do it!!

I get showered and protect my hair and ears and get ready to get in the tank. The tank almost reminded me of a portal to a place I didn’t want to go. But I was determined. I kept the door propped open so that I felt safer?! I’m not sure why I thought that was sound rationale but it was in my mind. I get in. I start with my hands above my head. Its a comfortable temp. Warmer than luke warm but not hot. My mind is racing but the calm sounds are pumped through the speakers.

I finally start to float. My body is in total relaxation mode. I gently nod off. All was well until I noticed the lights cut off outside the tank. I instantly sit up. The true crime junkie in me got activated. My fears rush back. I hop out the tank in full glory to realize the room was on a motion sensor detector. Nobody was trying to get me after all LOL.

I hop back in the tank because now I am freezing. Only this time the seal is broken to my earplugs and water keeps getting in and it’s uncomfortable. I try to ignore it. I do this for about a minute. Then I realize I am hyper aware and because I am floating I keep hitting the walls like I’m in a real life game of Pong. After getting in and out the tank no less than 3 times trying to adjust myself I give up.

I didn’t feel defeated. It was more like this isn’t going to work today so let me just cut my losses. I took a hot shower and got dressed. The owner was quite surprised to see me so soon. You see my session was for an hour but I made it maybe 30-40 minutes including my shower time. I explained to her what was going on. I decided to cut it so short because it was causing me extra stress to get it right which was not working. This was supposed to be relaxing after all.

She understood. I advised her I would try it again. And I definitely will especially now that I know what to expect. I will use wax earplugs that mold to my ear. Mine are really small. Thanks mom! I will also opt for an open tank next time. I overall like the feeling of zero gravity and do wish to experience it again.

Faith Redd-Walker