Happy New Year?!

We’ve made it to anther year! Actually we are 19 days into year 2023. Like so many of us, I view the new year as a time of renewal. I set new goals and I feel it’s a great landmark. It also helps that my birthday is also in January so I get my own new year as well! However, if you are anything like me you may have already fallen off the bandwagon slightly.

Don’t fret though. This is totally normal. It does not make you a failure. Not even close. It makes you human. Life has a funny way of putting things into perspective. The reality is that things are not black and white. It is at this time that I am reminded how gray it actually is (literally and figuratively as it’s raining as I write.) It is at this time that I try to embrace life’s nuances.

The whole second week of the month I did nothing. I mean absolutely nothing. I was also sick. I was coming off of a hectic work schedule which had my sleep patterns completely destroyed which I feel weakened my immune system, leading to a cold. I am so much better now. I am also behind on what I said I wanted to do. But I’m actually not mad about it.

Instead of being upset, I am glad I had some down time. I am glad I can reset my priorities. I realize that it is not necessarily about being productive 100% of the time. Instead, I know that I can adjust my goals and priorities as things happen in my life. I feel much less stressed with this updated outlook on my life and its goals. One day and one step at a time is how big changes are actually made. Progress over perfection. If you feel stuck, unsure and ready to abandon ship don’t lose hope. I can help guide you. Remember everything you need is inside of you. I am just here to help you find it again!

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