Time To Re-Evaluate

Can you believe it? June is almost over and that means that 2023 is about halfway thru. There are many ways to look at this. Some may be feeling discouraged because it’s been 6 months and the goals they set at the beginning of the year are looking mighty lofty right now. Others are actively crushing their goals. While still others may not have given their goals much thought.

There is no wrong place to be on this spectrum. You are not a failure if you aren’t even close to what you said you wanted to accomplish in January. You may be a completely different person now. I know I am. If you are indifferent, that’s ok as well. Nobody said you HAD to focus on something. Heck, surviving may be enough depending on what you’ve experienced thus far.

What I am trying to get at is this; whether you are ahead, behind or indifferent it’s ok. You are a human being, not a machine. This is a great opportunity for you to evaluate what you’ve done thus far and maybe adjust to where you want to be in the upcoming months. What life events have happened to get you where you are? For those of us who aren’t quite where they thought they would be, I encourage us to not be too hard on ourselves. Maybe certain things we thought were a priority are actually not.

Let’s let the word grace define this second half of the year. Give yourself grace to start again, knowledge to know when to make changes and courage to see it through.